Eco Lodge Itororó Main House and Varanda

Most of our guests at Eco Lodge Itororó are nature enthusiasts, photographers, birdwatchers, and hiking groups. They usually stay between three and seven days at Itororó, going out for daily excursions in organized tours to targeted locations of their interest, taking packed lunches for their outings after an early breakfast. Itororó also receives families, scientists, and researchers in addition to solo guests looking for a relaxing time exploring our trails in the Atlantic Rainforest.

The Eco Lodge offers breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Meals at Itororó are served buffet-style, upon reservation, with various dishes that vary throughout the week that include beef, chicken, pork, and fish, served with salad and vegetables grown in our own organic garden. Itororó also accommodates food restrictions with seriousness and care, which guests usually inform us of when confirming their booking.



If your field of interest is birding, hiking, or specific nature related attractions whilst experiencing the Atlantic Rainforest, please check out our website. For more information contact us at

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