The Black-billed Scythebill is approximately 30cm in length, a large woodcreeper with a long, thin, and almost 6 cm long curved bill. Despite being assessed as of Least Concern by the IUCN, the Black-billed Scythebill is considered rare in most of its range. It is found in several protected areas in Brazil and believed to be a year-round resident throughout its range, that is, it does not migrate to other areas on different seasons.
The Black-billed Scythebill inhabits the humid Atlantic Rainforest but its range also extends into drier semi-arid scrub forest and scrub land as well, along the eastern Brazilian coast from Bahia State all the way south into northern Rio Grande do Sul. It can be seen in mature perennial forests, cloud forests, mature secondary forests and around bamboo thickets.
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