Scale-throat Hermit by ANDY FOSTER

Nemathantus crassifolia and the Scale-throated Hermit.

Nemathantus crassifolia is an epiphyte that trails up the trunks of trees presenting characteristic small flowers that hang down from the main stem. Endemic to Brazil, the species is found in humid forests of the Atlantic Forest in the states of Minas Gerais and in Rio de Janeiro, as well as in Espírito Santo (where it is red listed as endangered species) and in São Paulo (where it is believed to be extinct).

Pollinated by the Scale-throated Hermit (Phaethornis eurynome) hummingbird, this species can also reproduce via self-pollen and pollen from other individuals, in a process called self compatibility. This species grew naturally at one of Itororo’s trails and it is an honor to have such a distinctive plant choosing to grow here.

If you are into the natural world and would like to experience the Atlantic Forest, please contact us at We would love to organize a tour according to your interests.


📷 Photos: Bettina Dungs, Andy Foster

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