Our Project
Our project aims to regenerate the Atlantic Forest, one of the top five biodiversity hotspots on the planet. We started in 1998 and after 10 years the Atlantic Rainforest had returned as a young and striving forest, this in turn brought back many birds, animals, insects and butterflies. By this point we had also cleared most of the monoculture of pine trees and because the pine trees don’t naturally regrow, we started to see fantastic results with the regeneration of the Atlantic Rainforest on a large portion of our land. It was amazing how fast the natural ecosystem regenerated. Now after 25 years we can surely say that our forest is almost back to its natural form.
The number of birds, mammals and insects (check inaturalist.org) that we now see is so much more than what we saw 25 years ago. Itororó has been blessed with the presence of almost 200 recorded bird species, of which 67 are endemic to the Atlantic Rainforest, in addition to numerous butterflies including two recorded rare specimens, which can be verified at our list of recorded species.
We still have a lot of work, but we are confident that we will eradicate all non-native monocultures from our land in a few years. Since 1998 we have regenerated more than 100.000 square meters of Atlantic rainforest. And 100.000 square meters are untouched Atlantic Rainforest.
We provide mineral water to 8.000 families from the surrounding community. We border the 65.000ha State Park Três Picos building a natural corridor for fauna and flora from the Atlantic Rainforest.
Solar Energy
After 20 years dreaming of having our energy generated by solar power, we finally were able to install 12 solar panels in 2022 that generate 100% of our energy.

Contact us to book your stay and help you organize your trip to the Eco Lodge Itororo.
We speak English, German, Spanish and Portuguese.