Frog at Eco Lodge Itororó

Brazil is home to 1,144 species of frogs, making it the country with the highest biodiversity of the Anura group in the world. This abundance of species is not only crucial for maintaining the planet’s biodiversity, but also for advancing scientific research. Significant medical developments rely on substances released by these amphibians. Frogs also play a vital role in the environment’s balance as they are natural predators of mosquitoes, houseflies, cockroaches, spiders, scorpions, and termites. These pests include blood-feeding arthropods that can carry diseases that are fatal to humans. Additionally, frogs are prey to reptiles, birds, fish, mammals, dragonflies, snakes, beetles, and centipedes. Even in their tadpole stage, frogs contribute to the ecosystem by feeding on algae and filtering our drinking water. Frogs breathe and drink through their skin, making them highly susceptible to changes in their environment. As a result, they serve as reliable indicators of any changes in the ecosystem. Any anomaly in frog populations can signal anomalies in the environment, such as air and water pollution or imbalances in the food chain.

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