Caught in the act:
This charismatic Blond-crested Woodpecker (Celeus flavescens) couldn’t resist our banana buffet! While woodpeckers are known for their insect-eating habits, many species also enjoy a sweet treat now and then.
At Eco Lodge Itororo, we’re privileged to witness these delightful moments of nature up close. Our carefully maintained feeding stations not only provide nourishment for our feathered friends but also offer unparalleled photography opportunities for our guests.
Want to experience the thrill of observing and capturing these stunning birds in their natural habitat? Come stay with us and immerse yourself in the rich biodiversity of Brazil’s Atlantic Forest. Who knows what unexpected encounters await you?
Visit our website to book your stay and join our community of nature enthusiasts. www.ecolodge-itororo.com
#BlondCrestedWoodpecker #BirdPhotography #EcolodgeItororo #AtlanticForest #BirdwatchingBrazil #NatureLovers